Starfish Publishing Company
Starfish Publishing is currently a one man band, but I hope to expand it at some point in the future. It’s reason for existence to provide a focal point for independent authors, as well as help with promotion, feedback, and writing. To that end, a Facebook Group will be created as well as various ad-hoc messenger groups for small teams to work together. However, it will mean that those taking part agree to help others as well. It’s NOT going to be for those who just want to take. I’m not sure how it will develop, but that’s the plan. Bottom line is simple: authors help each other. There is an imprint, bubblebooks, which is currently being used for me alone. Again, I’m not sure how I want to develop it, but I’ll see what comes. It may turn into a publishing arm, it may not. If other authors have their own imprint, I’ll link to it here. As for now, I’ll develop the site, invite people to promote themselves and help others, then see where it goes.
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